As some of you (Facebook friends) know, I committed to write a book for working mothers. I have a few chapters left and am excited it’s close to completion. For the past five months, the book has been my hobby–I work on it after business hours at night and on the weekends.

A magazine editor asked me how this commitment affected my parenting, in time and outlook. I have had less “self-time” but am okay with that. I have no idea who is in the running on Dancing with the Stars or what is the new drama on The Real Housewives series.

Time goes by so fast. I try to make moments count with my daughters. After I pick them up from school, I take them to the park or library. I know this is precious time with them. When they are in kindergarten, I will miss these moments–when Kaitlyn was thrilled to see her best friend, when I was afraid of Emma’s fearlessness on the playground.

I will be proud when I can hold a finished copy of the book in my hands. This has been perhaps my biggest undertaking to date. Self-employment was a big leap as well–but that was over ten years ago.

I see the book as one account of what career Moms are facing today. Many Moms have been open with me about their challenges and struggles, and experts have offered timely solutions. Fortunately I have not had a shortage of sources.

It is my hope when my daughters read the book later in their lives, it will give them a clear sense of what it was like to live in this time. Working mothers are often faced with tough decisions, but we do what is best for our kids. We face challenges–unemployment or client losses, for example–and rise about them.

Posted in General, Uncategorized.


  1. Thanks for your winsome description of your project and your selfless care for both mothers pressed by this economy and your daughters (now and years to come).

    As you know, I have had the pleasure of reading your chapters; your passion and compassion come through on every page as well as real helps for your readers.

    I look forward to that when you hold your finished book. You already have it placed with a trade book publisher, so that day will come in due course. Keep going!

  2. Congrats on getting to the home stretch with your book. I was able to get The Pregnant Entrepreneur (which would be the prequel to your book) published this year. I also stole moments from my family and lots of sleeping hours from myself for about two years to get the project done. But it was so worth it!

    Sharing your story and wisdom is powerful for women today. You have experiences that will benefit other women, and only you can tell that story. I can’t wait to hear more from you!

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